
Call NOW!(702) 248-6174

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Mon-sat (8.00am - 6.00PM)
Closed Sunday

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Carpet Cleaning

At Aim to Please, carpets are what we do. Let our pro team brighten up your home with a clean you and your whole family can experience. Your carpets will burst with a clean you can see, smell and touch. Get rid of pollutants, toxins, and bacteria that get trapped in your carpet with one call to the experts at Aim to Please. Don't be fooled by the DIY myth. Compare professional carpet cleaning against the cost of machine rentals, expensive chemicals, and your valuable time. Your carpets will be steam cleaned, disinfected and deodorized right the first time. Protect your investments and your family's health by calling the professionals at Aim to Please.

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Tile & Grout

Remember when your tile and grout were new? The color of the grout you selected complimented your brand new tiled floor. Aim to Will restore your tile and grout to its original shine and luster. You will see the transformation when black grout gets deep cleaned and turns back to the color you wanted in your home. Invite friends and family over with confidence that your floors are thouroughly clean. Call Aim to Please, tell us what type of tile you have and our experts will provide you with a free consultation.

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Las Vegas is a hard working city. All that hard work kicks up the dust and dirt from the desert floor and we track it into our homes and offices. Plus, all the street grime attaches to your footwear and leaves your stone floors looking dull and blackened. You can restore that clean, sharp look with a professional stone surface cleaning from Aim to Please. We have the experience to get it looking new again, call us for a free consultation on your stone flooring.

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The inlaws are coming over, but your travertine floors look like they belong in a warehouse. Aim to Please will bring back the original luster to your travertine that you can show off with pride. Traditional mops and store brand floor cleaners do not compare to the deep clean and high-end shine you will get when you call the travertine experts at Aim to Please. Don't trust your floors with cheap chemicals or a fly-by-night cleaning company, call the experts that have proven for over 20 years that we know how to get it clean. Save time, save money call Aim to Please for your peace of mind.

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Protect your fine fabrics and look of your home furnishings with Aim to Please. Aim to Please has experience in cleaning all types of upholstery fabrics from fine brocades and tapestries to cotton chintz and nylon blends. Furniture fabrics can trap odor, hair, pet hair, pet dander, skin oils, hair products, and more. Spills happen. Let Aim to Please remove those spots and stains! Let aim to Please Steam Clean, disinfect, and deodorize your furniture it restore to its showroom appearance. Aim to Please has the experience to handle residential and high-volume commercial upholstery cleaning needs.

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Pet Stain Removal

You love your pets. But you do not love the messes they create on your floors and furniture. Aim to Please will steam clean, disinfect, and deodorize to remove those unsightly pet spots and smells from your home. Our Aim to Please pros will consult with you on heavy pet-damaged surfaces to utilize the proper cleaning agents for a deep cleaning where your pet frequents the most. Don't let the messes your pets create intrude on your social life. Invite your friends and family over with confidence that your home looks and smells fresh and clean with Aim to Please. Happier pet. Happier you. Happy Home. We Aim to Please.

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24 Hour Flood Damage

Flooding and water damage can be devastating to the floors and furniture in your home or business. Even in the middle of the Mojave Desert, flooding can occur due to burst pipes, appliance failures, or heavy rain. Aim to Please is the quick-response solution when flooding occurs. We offer expert opinion on the extent of the damage, and will quickly devise a cleaning schedule to save and restore your flood damaged carpets, flooring, or furniture. If your property has suffered from flooding, time is of the essence. Don't Wait. Call the flood damage experts at Aim to Please now!

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Areas of Service

Our Company provides residential & commercial cleaning services to the entire Las Vegas & Henderson areas! The entire 702 area code!