
Call NOW!(702) 248-6174

clock-icon working hours:
Mon-sat (8.00am - 6.00PM)
Closed Sunday

About Us

Serving all of Las Vegas and Henderson for over 20 years, Aim to Please is the trusted name for professional cleaning of carpet, tile & grout, stone, travertine and upholstery. Locally owned and operated with over 25 years' experience, we know the damage the Las Vegas Valley environment can cause to your floors and upholstery.  We steam clean, disinfect, and deodorize every job.  No hidden fees.  Our professional services also include pet stain removal and deodorizing, high-traffic problems areas, flood control/water damaged floors, air duct cleaning and more. Aim to Please is the name Las Vegas residents trust to keep their homes looking and smelling pristine. Come home to a clean the whole family can experience with Aim to Please.


Aim to Please also works with a variety of commercial customers and businesses to solve the floor cleaning needs of the professional. Aim to Please promises immediate response and guaranteed quick turn-around time for our valued commercial customers.  Aim to Please understands your time is valuable and offers flexible scheduling to work around your business hours or deadlines. Let Aim to Please Carpet Cleaning be your smart business cleaning solution.

Honest, dependable, knowledgeable. We Aim to Please.
high trained staff


We have the most professional and highly trained staff with over 25 years of experience!



We only use the best and most expensive cleaning equipment in the industry!


Fast & Effective SERVICE

We try to get in and get the job done as quick as possible while also committing to quality work!